Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome to My World

Starting up a new blog is always hard, but I'm excited for this new start.  I am not the most eloquent, wise, or even the most dedicated blogger, but I like it and feel like it's a good way to get my thoughts out to share to the two people that read my posts.

I have no idea the direction this will blog will go, but expect lots of pictures of my two men and two dogs and probably not a lot of pictures of me because that's how I roll.  I am a Pinterest-er, so also expect much reference to what I see on Pinterest and the funny things I pin.  

Why Heart and Seoul?  Well, I feel like that name of the blog encompasses many important aspects of my life.

I am forgiven by a wonderful God who knows my faults and still claims me as his own.  I am not perfect, as you will often see, but know that everything that has happened in my life is not because of coincidence, but because of a divine plan.  I am blessed beyond measure.

I am a wife to wonderful man of God who is passionate about helping others, either as a youth pastor or currently as an EMS worker trying to become a fireman.  I am so proud of him and am so blessed to be his wife.  I have sweet little boy who smiles and laughs all of the time and brings such joy to my heart.

  Me and Big S

My little man, Little S

I am a Pediatric nurse and work with kiddos needing or have had heart surgeries.  I am fascinated by the heart, in the way it works and develops.  I view what I do, not as work, but as my ministry for which God has created me.  I am so blessed to be able to do what I do.  This picture sums up my thoughts of working with the sick kiddos.

I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and adopted at a young age.  While I am your typical, suburban, "white girl," I'm proud of being unique here in America and hope to learn more about my heritage.  

Heart and Soul is one of those songs that kids learn to play on the piano at a young age.  While I am not as musical as I used to be, I hope to reclaim that passion and love of mine and pass it on to my little.

I guess that's enough for one blog.  Welcome to my world!

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